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St. Michael Invocation

24 Dec 2021 

ST. MICHAEL Invocation

by Kailash Kokopelli

With his new Composition "St. Michael Invocation" Kailash Kokopelli presents a beautiful and deep touching piece of music. Performing in German and English, featuring Ioana Maria Iliut with a Romanian Invocation.


Supported by Hungarian Singer Karacs Ildikó, African Singer Mohau Moahlodi and German Singer Sitara Schmitz and the magical flutes and horn section by Praful Mystic.

JUST IN TIME by Sit the Kid

17 Sep 2021 

Just in Time (incl. Instrumental)

by Sit the Kid feat. Pawas

Sitara Schmitz aka Sit the Kid is back after the first single “Walking on Fire” this time in collaboration with her younger sibling Pawas. “Just in time” is a part of Sit the Kid’s endless jam sessions where she experimented with sampling her vocals to create the beat and other synth like elements. Later she took it to the stage with her band and performed it live. Pawas’ re-created the track retaining the moments from Sitara’s past and transforming them into a modern Indie-disco-electronica composition.

Sit the Kid feat. Low Volume_Walking on

14 May 2021 

Walking on fire (incl. Pawas Remix)

by Sit the Kid feat. Low Volume

“I was walking, watching you…”

Once upon a time, there was a DJ, a synthesizer lover and a singer. During those young and carefree days they met, jammed and created sounds. 18 years and a few kids later they came together to reminisce on the good old times and decided to give the song a structure and balance. This resulted in a final version of the track including a smooth dub influenced remix by Pawas to compliment the original.

25 Feb 2021 

New Video Series: Videobites #01

We are starting the new year with a new format - our delicious #videobites!

Get into the flow and mood of electromantic vibes - produced by videographer Loreto Quijada... 


21 Dec 2020 

Wuerde - das Grundgesetz by Kailash Kokopelli

Genre: Deutsch Pop


Wuerde is translated as dignity. Kailash Kokopelli reads excerpts of the German basic law (Grundgesetz) Horn section performance and arrangement by Praful Mystic. Opera voice by Diego Antonio Barrios. Composition by Kailash Kokopelli.

Recorded by Tom Dams at Studio Forstmehren. Edited by Sitara Schmitz. Mixed & mastered by Henning Schmitz. 


Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority. Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity. Freedom of the person shall be inviolable.

Haus vom Nikolaus-Planet Oe
Haus vom Nikolaus-Maxi Version

02 Dec 2020 

Haus vom Nikolaus by Planet Oe

Genre: Childrens Music


With this funny christmas song we start a new game with the childrens music project "Planet Oe" from Sitara, our label manager. Lets rock Santa Claus! 

11 Dec 2020 

Haus vom Nikolaus (Maxi Version) by Planet Oe

Genre: Childrens Music

Let us have dancing children!!! Yeah! This Remix by Pawas Gupta is giving the Maxi to this song! Enjoy the listen and look forward to all coming christmas! 

Kailash Kokopelli_Skylark


Skylark by Kailash Kokopelli

Genre: Soul-Funk / Deutsch Pop / Medicine Music


This song was written and composed by Kailash Kokopelli with German lyrics 

in gratitude for the Skylark - a little bird high above the fields singing praises to source in joyful celebration. The song also celebrates planet venus - the morning star heralding the dawning of a new day of life calling in the light of love and hope.

The soul-funk of this song written both for the skylark and the little bright star also known as Lučka, is arranged and mixed by Pieter Smeenk who also played rhodes, and vocal loop. Bassline by Erik Boon. Guitar by Alain Eskinasi, horn section by Praful Mystic and add libs by Shunya Deva aka Julya Lo’ko 

Signs of Time by Pattysplanet
SitnRudi King of Lions
Freedom - Chance 2 Change by Kailash Kok

July 2020
Release of 6 tracks in Dolby Atmos Music

We are so happy to pronounce we have become part of the new AvidPlay community which gives us the chance to release our tracks both in stereo and Dolby Atmos Music. 

First releases:

Signs of Time - Remaster by Pattysplanet
King of Lions by Sit ´n´ Rudi
Inspiration by Monotone
Freedom - Chance 2 Change by Kailash Kokopelli
Rachmaninov Reloaded by N.E.O
Hymeaea by Cataleya Fay

Rachmaninov Reloaded by NEO
Hymenaiea_by Cataleya Fay


Freedom - Chance 2 Change by Kailash Kok

5 July 2020

Release of Freedom - Chance 2 Change by Kailash Kokopelli
Genre: Soul Funk / World / Medicine Music

In times when our freedom of speech and basic human rights are threatened, it is essential to remember that we are the change we want to see in the world. Our choices make the difference. We have the power and chance to change our situation every given moment and with every new sunrise. Every thought, word and action counts. Give what you wish to receive. Dream into reality a world in beauty, harmony and freedom.
May all beings be free from suffering and slavery.
#soul #funk #medicinemusic #ecstaticdance #celebration #freedom

Vitavarg_Samtycker Inte

21 June 2020

Release of Samtycker Inte by VITAVARG feat. Lavanya

This Tech-House / EDM electronic dance music produced and arranged by VITAVARG (Kailash Kokopelli in collaboration with Stefan Kvarnström) featuring Swedish singer and rap artist LAVANYA

Vitavarg_Non Consent

21 June 2020

Release of "Non-Consent" by VITAVARG feat. Kailash Kokopelli & Lavanya

This EDM / Tech-House meets medicine music and spoken word track is crafted to anchor in awareness and empowerment while dancing!

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